About usAbout us

Welcome to RCCG Holy Ghost Zone, Northampton
Holy Ghost Zone (Northampton) is one of the parishes in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), a world-wide church organisation established since 1952 with the mandate to take the gospel of salvation to the entire world in line with Great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The church is a bible believing body, where teachings and missionary approach emphasise holiness and righteous living as the key to fulfilled lief here and in eternity. The foundation of the Church is prayer and teaching the full counsel of God. Through this people are helped to discover their God-given destiny and develop to their maximum potential to the glory of God.
The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Pastor E.A Adeboye. In the last two decades, the Church has grown to over 2000 parishes spread around the world. The memberships over two million people of all races and cultures. The Church hosts the largest all night Christian prayer meeting in London; Festival of Life.
Holy Ghost Zone (Northampton) started on the 7th of July 2002 and was inaugurates on the 27th October 2002.
Who we are
We are a multi-national group of people from different cultural backgrounds; bound together by the precious blood of Jesus and heavenly focused.
We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people called by God to show forth His praise and demonstrate His power. 1 Peter 2:9

Our Vision
- A multi-national Church with a representative from all Countries in the world
- A worshipping Church where the spirit of God moves freely
- An Evangelistic Church where winning of souls is our utmost priority
- A place of refuge where depressed and frustrated world find hope and encouragement, where the forsaken would find true love, where the confused would find guidance and generally where people need would be met spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, etc by the One who can never fail.
- A community Church where the social needs of the community can be met through Childcare/Nursery, Youth Clubs, and other specialised training programmes.
- A family Church where the needs of all age groups are met especially the Youths.
- A place where believers are equipped for specific ministry by helping them to discover and develop their gifts/talents.
Our Mission
- To prepare and make people ready for the coming of the Lord by;
- Preaching & Teaching people the undiluted Word of God.
- Practicing what we preach and teach
- Encouraging people to realise and fulfil God’s purpose for their life
- Establishing God’s kingdom here on earth through family reconciliation
- To lead many people in Northampton to turn back to the Lord their God
- To make parents more thoughtful of their children (family reconciliation)
- To make people who now obey God to begin to think as they ought to
How Do We Intend To Do This?
- To look for those that are lost, in the market, on the street, in every home in Northampton, in the hospitals, in the prison, and everywhere where lost souls can be found
- To bring back to the Lord those who have wandered off
- To bind up those who are broken hearted and strengthen the ones that are weak
Our Belief
In Holy Ghost Zone, Northampton, we believe in;
- God the Father:
creator of heaven and the earth, who made man in His own image and likeness - The Holy Trinity:
The three Persons of the Godhead, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit – Three in One - The Virgin Birth:
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary - The death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ:
Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of mankind on the cross of Calvary was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. He ascended into heaven and is forever seated at the right hand of God the Father. - The Holy Spirit:
The Comforter and Teacher if all things who dwell within us, uniting us to Jesus Christ. - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
This is freely available to all who believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and is manifested by the gift of speaking in unknown tongues - Salvation:
A gift from God through grace and faith in Jesus Christ; that all who believe in Him may be saved by turning from sin to repentance, trusting in His death and resurrection and are born again by the Holy Spirit - The Blood of Jesus Christ:
It was shed for us on the cross at Calvary, cleanses us from all sin and grants us access into the presence of God - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ:
Jesus will come again to earth in glory and the dead in Christ will rise and those who are alive in Christ will be translated into the presence of God for eternity - The Holy Bible:
The infallible and authoritative Word of God given to direct all men and women to salvation - The Mandate:
That man was created in the image of God and likeness of God to be fruitful and to multiply, to replenish the earth to subdue it and to have dominion over it.